
Hello! 你好! Bonjour! Hallo!

I am currently an undergraduate student of software engineering internship program at McGill University in Montréal, Canada. I have been actively engaged in research, development, and teaching activities. From January to August 2023, I was an intern at Oracle Labs in Zürich, Switzerland. In the summer of 2022, I was a visiting Excellence Research Intern at the Data Analysis Theory and Applications (DATA) Laboratory of EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne) in Lausanne, Switzerland. With my international experiences, I am also a McGill International Experience Awards (MIEA) Ambassador, who actively endorses and advocates participation in international exchange activities.

My current research interests include (1) model-driven and formal methods of software design and analysis; (2) metaphysical, ontological, and conceptual modelling of objects, data, and design; and (3) database systems and data management. Advised by Prof. Dániel Varró at McGill, I researched on graph model specification, query, transformation, simulation, and visualization, to be applied mostly in the model-based design, formal verification, and design tool certification for critical and cyber-physical systems. During my research internship at EPFL, supervised by Prof. Christoph Koch at the DATA Analysis Theory and Applications (DATA) Laboratory, I worked on the project Sudokube, a newly proposed online analytical processing (OLAP) database system for data scientists, based on partially-materialized pre-computed high-dimensional data cubes.

I am also interested in industrial software development, development tools and services, DevOps, quality assurance, and project management for software engineering, as well as similar techniques to bridge research productions to realistic industrial use cases. During my internship at Oracle Labs, I worked on the GraalVM download service which simplifies and secures the download and integration of GraalVM in the workflow of application development in the GraalVM ecosystem.

I actively seek for opportunities of both academic research and industrial research and development related to the above areas of computer science and software engineering. I do look forward to more such opportunities to cooperate and to apply my knowledge and skills to make impactful contributions. For full and more detailed information, see also my curriculum vitae in PDF format. Feel free to connect on LinkedIn as well!